Against the Wind

Well those drifters days are past me now
I’ve got so much more to think about
Deadlines and commitments
What to leave in, what to leave out
Against the wind
I’m still runnin’ against the wind
Well I’m older now and still runnin'
Against the wind
--Bob Seger, "Against the Wind"
While I highly doubt Seger was inspired by 35 mph gusts of wind during an early Saturday morning 12 mile run, this song popped into my head on numerous occasions as I faced seemingly relentless winds. After three months of accumulating apparel designed to protect runners from cutting winds, the only part of my body not covered in some sort of polyester-vinyl-spandex-like material is my nose and mouth. Coincidentily, this is the area that usually gets bombarded by debris, ice chunks, and other unidentified flying objects. I used to run into grunting 300 pound offensive lineman. Now I was battling a different type of ugly, brutish force. My youthful life of limited commitments that permitted me to drift has blown right by. I had to chuckle when Seger's song came bellowing out of a jukebox later that night. Yeah, I'm a little older now, but I'm still runnin' against the wind. With or without running shoes and wind proof gear, I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.
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