20 Miles and Cooperstown

(Opening Day - Comerica Park, Detroit: Detroit Tigers v. Chicago White Sox - April 10, 2006)
This past weekend was certainly eventful. I reached some significant milestones (no pun intended). First, I knocked out the longest training run of 20 miles and now look to taper my training to more manageable distances. I find it hard to believe that I'm now looking at a series of 14 mile runs as "manageable". The run itself went fine, through 15. I refueled with a Gu Energy Gel and a few swigs of electrolyte rich Ultima sports drink that gave me a little boost. By mile 19 my tank was empty and I was running on fumes. Afterwards, I tried to look at the run as an accomplishment worthy of praise, but I just couldn't stop thinking about the remaining 6.2 miles that still lie ahead. These thoughts were quickly subdued by the intense cold of another ice bath that awaited my return home. Four bagels, a banana, a PowerBar, 40 oz of water later,and a handful of my little ibuprofren friends and I was cashed out in bed for a well-earned nap.
Mid-way through this run, I passed the 500 mile mark for total training miles since I began six months ago. That's about the distance from Detroit to Cooperstown, NY. I'm finding that such statistical milestones help me psychologically. I've always resented professional athletes' selfish pursuit of personal statistics at the expense of team success. Here, however, my team consists of a pair of shoes, some energy drinks/gels and a trusty pair of wind briefs. I'm thinking they won't mind if I pat myself on the back. In baseball, 500 home runs in a career is a solid stepping stone to the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. While curve balls prevented my own plaque from being hung in Cooperstown, I'll take solace in knowing that my team and I got there by reaching its own 500 mark.
On the topic of baseball, Opening Day arrived on Monday and brought with it a traditional rite of Spring. While running has taken over my personal athletic life, my allegiance and loyalty still rest with our beloved and often heart-breaking baseball team: the Tigers. To celebrate my recent accomplishments I traded in the energy bars and replenishing drinks for a bag a peanuts and an ale. As the first pitch was thrown, the spirit and excitement was palpable throughout the city. Throughout my training I've logged more miles running around an empty Comerica Park than any other place. This day I was joined by 47,000 others and a spirit that quelled the sore legs and cranky knees. Spring is now officially here and it couldn't have come at a more opportune time.
Patrick, you'll find that last 10k to be the fun part of the race. I can honestly say that you have truly impressed me with your determination. I did however notice that your team appears to missing a mention to Ms. Erin!!! I think she helped a large portion of your 20 miles and trip to Cooperstown.
Patrick! yo it's your high school cousin!
Grandma showed me your site, so i thought i'd read some and comment!
hope everything is going well!
i'll be seeing your mom and dad soon! (haha) just a few days actually =)
Ken, my failure to mention my running partner isn't by intent.....She doesn't want the fame and attention that runners so often have to endure. You're definitely right, however, she carried my ass the last mile
Caroline, Thanks for coming on board. Give my best to your family. You've always been my favorite oldest girl cousin, just like I've always been Grandma's favorite oldest grandson.
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