Not only am I a rookie marathon runner, I'm a rookie blogger. I just realized that readers of this site have been making comments for the past couple months. Unbeknownst to me, these comments were sent to some virtual storage room awaiting my review. Apparently, I have editorial control over these comments prior to publishing them. Outside of my often objectionable uncle, I don't expect to be invoking these powers. I just published the past comments....please continue your participation, I appreciate it!
I just assumed this was your way of ensuring the integrity of your blog. Now I can really leave my thoughts. I'm glad things are going well for you.
Please do, I never meant this thing to be family sensitive. I encourage all to exercise their First Amendment rights. Nothing inspires controversial speech, like running!
My legs and feet hurt listening to you talk about your training..Take some time off and rest !!!
Your Gram' Alice.
My legs and feet hurt listening to you talk about your training. Your Gram' says to take some time off and put your feet up and rest. It's to COLD to run anyway...Gram' Alice
Don't worry, Grandma. I'll be fine
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