Naughty and Nice

The past few days I've gotten more training running from store to store frantically buying Christmas gifts than on the actual pavement. Rumor has it that the big man from the North Pole is an avid runner and has been spotted from time to time in the lead pack of some very prominent races. The thought of a jolly ol' fat man running around the North Pole with a moisture wicking Santa suit got me thinking about my own "naughty and nice" list:
1. Howling wind and snow - it's making my face look like that freezer burned pork chop that's been chilling in the back of my freezer all year
2. Hummers - No other vehicle on the road seems to reek more havoc on my road-side training than these gargantuan, gas guzzling rides. Exception: Hummer driving donors to the Run With Rorai campaign.
3. Christmas cookies - everywhere I go, somebody is force feeding me cookies and sugary treats; all of which stick to my belly like a lead brick and make a mile seem like a marathon.
4. Non-plowed side walks - I've learned that attempting to run on ice and snow packed sidewalks is an ankle injury waiting to happen. It also forces me to run in the streets where item #2 comes into play.
5. Cotton work-out clothing - my drawers are stocked with all sorts of moisture absorbing shirts, pants and underwear that work hand-in-hand with painful bouts of chafing.........not very merry.
6. Ice bags - work wonders for prevention of long term pain, but make this list for the short term discomfort. Also after an hour run in 10 degree temps, icing my knees and ankles isn't exactly on the top of my Christmas wish list.
1. The generous Run With Rorai donors -- I can't say thanks enough
2. Winderwear - please see ealier post; I don't feel comfortable discussing the state of my underwear in any greater detail.
3. TNT Coaches/Staff - A special thanks to Coach Ken and the entire crew for their patience and willingness to teach a linebacker how to run more than 10 yards at a time.
4. Wilco - This Chicago band has been in my MP3 player for the past two months and helped me stay outta mind outta sight from daily stress and gives me a shot in the arm on those days when I wake up feeling old
5. Comerica Park - My favorite running route takes me past the home of Detroit's professional baseball team and always seems to provide refuge from the wind and elements. This would have topped the list, if the beer stands were open all winter long. By Opening Day, I'll be knocking out 20 mile training runs like opposing batters routinely knock hanging curve balls into the right field bleachers. Apologies to my fellow Tiger fans for the gratuitous slam, I speak the truth.
6. EWD - my underrated and supportive training partner who first dragged me outside and broke me into winter running. Now she's wondering what she got herself into.
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