Thursday, December 29, 2005

Splintered Spirits

According to the American Academy of orthopedic Surgeons, 13.2 to 17.3 percent of all running injuries have been attributed to shin splints. As I write today, I'm concerned that I might soon join this group. The past week of training has undeniably been the worst since I began. I can easily toss out a laundry list of excuses that have been bouncing around in my mind. I refuse, however, to use the word excuse. As a past linebacker coach used to bark, "excuses are like rear ends (edited).....they all stink and everybody's got one." I prefer the term "issues."

Excessive amounts of holiday food, long work hours, tight muscles and a Christmas Eve H. Upman Robusto cigar could be significant factors contributing to my issues. Whatever they are, my main issue at the moment is a case of throbbing shins that feel like somebody is taking a sledge hammer to my legs upon each step. I'm reluctant to admit it, but this pain has lead to mental whining, sunken shoulders and a strong need for that grizzled old coach to yell "suck it up, Nancy!"

I learned from my thorough medical research (typing "shin splints" into Google) has that I'm most likely experiencing the early stages of medial tibial stress syndrome(shin splints). The recommended treatment involves rest, anti-inflammatory drugs, the ubiquitous ice bag, and a beach front vacation. One of these is not an option. One of these is simply a fantasy. So I've decided to start popping ibuprofren with my corn flakes and to begin a closer relationship with my frozen friend. I'm hoping that the New Year will bring an end to this obstacle that I've hit. If not, at least stop the whining, for everybody's sake.


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