Vancouver Bound
My vacation is within reach. Tomorrow morning I'll be boarding a flight en route to Seattle for a few days of latte drinking and salmon eating. We'll be visiting some friends/family. A Friday morning train will take us to Vancouver. I've been scouring guide books, restaurant reviews and tourist info the past week just to quell my anxiousness. In case you couldn't tell from the frequency of this week's musings, I've been less than productive at work. "Is running a marathon really a vacation?" asked a co-worker. I didn't hesitate in answering. I may not be lying on a tropical beach with an unbrella floating cocktail in hand, but this is my vacation, and I've never looked forward to one more. I've attached a few photos of Vancouver that I've been day dreaming about the past week.

Enjoy the vacation and the marathon experience. Wear your purple jersey with pride, make sure that you put your name on the front so fans can cheer your name, and of course have fun!
Okay, all of the planning and training have been completed. I hope you and Erin enjoy the surroundings as much as possible. I’ll be checking to see how things are going for you guys on race day.
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